We keep a steady supply of blessing bags on hand that include non-perishable food and seasonal necessities such as socks for our parishioners to take and pass out throughout the week, and to be passed out on campus. Additionally, we assist families at a local middle school, sponsor families at Christmas, and have periodic food and clothing drives. Please contact Deacon Lynda Hurt for more information!
The Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild have special roles to serve in our historic church and traditional liturgy. They prepare us for worship and care for vestments, silver, linens and other furnishings. Commitment is generally one Sunday per month, about 45 minutes before the service and 20 minutes after. In addition, members participate in parish clean-up days in the spring and fall. We welcome both men and women to the altar guild and train all new members. If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild, please contact Justin Smith .
The St. George Choristers
Named after one of our patron Saints, the St. George Choristers enrich our liturgies on Sundays and other major feasts throughout the year with their beautiful music. New voices always welcome! If you are interested in joining your voice to theirs, please contact the Choirmaster Dr. Anthony Maglione
The Acolyte Guild
Members of the Acolyte guild have a very important role in our liturgies here at St. Mary's. They assist the clergy in leading the people in worship through their service to our Lord at the Holy Altar. Adults, and Children who are in 3rd grade or older are eligible to serve as acolytes. If you or your child is interested in serving our Lord in this way, please contact Justin Smith.
The Lector Guild
Members of the lector guild assist in the proclamation of the Word of God at the celebration of the liturgy, through reading of Scripture. If you would be interested in reading at the liturgy, please contact Justin Smith.
Members of the lector guild assist in the proclamation of the Word of God at the celebration of the liturgy, through reading of Scripture. If you would be interested in reading at the liturgy, please contact Justin Smith.
Artist's Inspiration Hour | Tuesday's @ 6:30 p.m.
Do you have an artistic goal? Do you find it rather hard to stay focused during the very stressful time. Won’t you consider joining the St. Mary’s Artists’ working group, via Zoom. We will meet weekly on Tuesday’s at 7 PM CST. Come to discuss an ongoing project or proposed project for which you want feed back or encouragement. Please also join us if you are looking for ideas or inspiration.
For questions, or more information, contact Sylvia.
Click here to join.
Do you have an artistic goal? Do you find it rather hard to stay focused during the very stressful time. Won’t you consider joining the St. Mary’s Artists’ working group, via Zoom. We will meet weekly on Tuesday’s at 7 PM CST. Come to discuss an ongoing project or proposed project for which you want feed back or encouragement. Please also join us if you are looking for ideas or inspiration.
For questions, or more information, contact Sylvia.
Click here to join.
To the Glory of God and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Mary's is a parish of the Diocese of West Missouri, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion.
Address1307 Holmes Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106 |
Telephone |